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Our Team


Mathew Williams

Managing Director

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Allow us to introduce you to the one and only Mat – the Annex Media Mastermind! Seriously, if there were a marketing trivia show, Mat would be the host, the contestants, and the audience all rolled into one. It's like he's got a marketing encyclopaedia stored in his brain, right next to the recipe for the world's best roast dinner. But hold on to your spatulas, because Mat's journey wasn't always a marketing marathon. Before he became the guru of growth, he was a culinary crusader – a chef extraordinaire whipping up dishes like a magician conjuring rabbits out of hats. And then, just like in a fairy tale, he waved his whisk and set out on a brand-new adventure in the magical realm of Marketing. Fast forward through a flurry of creative campaigns, brilliant strategies, and epic successes, and you've got Mat fulfilling his dream – starting his own agency. It's like he's the Gandalf of Marketing, leading his team through the enchanted forest of branding and campaigns. When he's not cooking up brilliant marketing recipes, Mat's off on daring escapades. First on his itinerary: quality time with his 1-year-old son. They're probably plotting world domination over baby blocks. And then there's his quest for city breaks in Europe. Mat's like the Indiana Jones of city exploration, seeking out the most hidden gems and culinary delights. So, if you're in need of a Marketing Maestro, a culinary conjurer, a city-break seeker, and a dad-joke enthusiast all wrapped up in one quirky package – Mat's your guy. Just follow the aroma of creativity and the echoes of laughter, and you'll find him steering the ship of Annex's whimsical universe!

Introducing Megan, the Grand Architect of Annex's Financial Frontier and the Dynamo of Business Development! With a talent for wrangling spreadsheets and a magical ability to keep budgets in check, Megan is like the financial wizard that fell out of a money tree. Her spreadsheets are so meticulously organised, even the most disciplined alphabet can't help but be envious! But Megan isn't just a spreadsheet sorceress – she's also a Doctor of Delightful Human Interactions! After a decade navigating the treacherous terrain of accounting as a Chartered Accountant, she decided to sprinkle a little adventure into her story. And by adventure, we mean more passport stamps than a globetrotting rock star. Seriously, her passport has more stamps than a post office during Christmas. Armed with tales from across the world and a brain full of ingenious strategies, Megan traded her cloak for a business suit and charged into her role as Finance & Operations Director. She's like the business's North Star, guiding us through the labyrinth of productivity with the precision of a GPS that's never heard of wrong turns. But wait, there's more to Megan's saga! When she's not busy orchestrating financial symphonies or leading our troops of organisation, she morphs into a full-blown adventure junkie. The zanier the escapade, the better! And when she's back in the UK, you can bet your last coin she's indulging in her two great passions: crafting mouthwatering feasts and imbibing liquid joy in the form of grape-based potions. So, if you ever find yourself lost in a financial jungle, fear not! Just follow the trail of perfectly aligned numbers and the echoes of infectious laughter – they'll lead you right to Megan, the queen of business growth and financial enchantment!

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Megan Stacey ACA BFP

Director of Finance & Operations

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Kyle Adkins

Paid Media Manager

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Allow us to introduce you to the one and only Kyle – our Paid Media Maestro, Ambassador of American Awesomeness and very own Cowboy right here at Annex Media! Picture a charismatic tornado in a Stars and Stripes cape – yep, that's Kyle. He's the kind of guy who could sell ice to Eskimos while juggling flaming torches. But wait, there's more! Kyle isn't just a whirlwind of chaos; he's also the reigning king of his Annex Pod. The guys there practically have a "Kyle Shrine" in his honour, complete with daily offerings of coffee and chocolate. It's like having a charismatic whirlwind with a fan club – the "Kyle-gang" if you will. Speaking of origin stories, Kyle's been with Annex since the dawn of time (well, since 2021 anyway). He's seen the company sprout and bloom like a quirky digital garden, and he's grown right alongside it. Some say his charisma is like a fertiliser that makes the Annex garden grow taller and funnier. Now, Kyle's story takes a transatlantic twist. He was living his own rom-com when he met his soulmate in the land of the brave and home of the fries (America, of course). Love carried him across the pond to England, where he's now basking in British tea and the ever-present drizzle. He's a husband, a father of two little rascals aged 6 and 3 months, and the proud owner of a passport that's seen more miles than a marathon runner's shoes. In his rare moments of non-tornado activity, Kyle channels his creative genius into graphic design. He's like a Picasso with pixels! And if you're ever in the mood for a game of baseball or a culinary adventure that might involve flames, exotic ingredients, and a sprinkle of chaos – Kyle's your guy. So, if you're in need of some American charisma, a splash of chaos, and a whole lot of Annex love, just follow the trail of coffee cups and baseball gloves – you'll find Kyle right in the midst of it all!

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round and meet Jay – our Sherlock Holmes of Marketing! Jay's the kind of guy who's so focused on campaigns that if a marching band paraded through the office, he'd probably just assume they were promoting a new brand of drumsticks. But let me tell you, the moment a motorcycle growls past the window, Jay transforms faster than a werewolf during a full moon. It's like his secret signal – the Bat-Signal, but for bikers! He's got a sixth sense for two-wheeled wonders. Within Annex's quirky ecosystem, Jay's not just a marketing genius; he's also the magician of relationships. His clients adore him more than dogs adore bacon, and that's saying something. He's like the Cupid of customer satisfaction, shooting arrows of excellence straight into their hearts. Now, let's talk about Jay's alter ego. When he's not conjuring marketing spells, you can find him astride his trusty motorbike – the love of his life. Seriously, if that bike had a name, it would be Jay Jr. He's more attached to it than a kid to their favourite teddy bear. But that's not all! Jay's not afraid to venture into the virtual battlefield, where he and his merry band of friends engage in epic pixelated battles. Think of him as the commander of his own virtual army, all while wearing his Annex Marketing cape. And weekends? Well, those are reserved for Jay's festival escapades. He's like a festival fairy, spreading joy, music, and maybe a little glitter wherever he goes. If you ever hear laughter and the distant roar of an engine, it's probably Jay – mastering marketing by day, embracing adventure by night. So, if you're in need of a Marketing Maestro, a motorbike marvel, a battlefield strategist, and a festival aficionado rolled into one – Jay's your guy. Just follow the trail of motorcycle revs and digital explosions, and you'll find him crafting marketing marvels in the heart of Annex's quirky universe!

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Jay Keoshgerian

Media Marketing Specialist

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Rhianna Stacey BA (Hons)

Media Marketing Specialist

Introducing the fabulous Rhianna – our Media Marketing Maestro and Queen of Quirkiness here at Annex! Rhianna swooped onto our scene in 2022 fresh out of Portsmouth University, where she basically aced the whole "Business & Management" thing. Rumour has it that she wrote her dissertation while juggling flaming torches. Well, at least that's what we imagine!  Since her grand entrance, Rhianna has been skyrocketing through the Annex ranks faster than a squirrel on a caffeine binge. She's like the team's secret turbo boost button, and we're all just trying to keep up with her awesomeness. Her clients are basically like her extended family, and she nurtures them like a professional plant whisperer.  When she's not plotting marketing masterpieces, Rhianna transforms into a vacation ninja. Whether she's basking on a beach with her squad or wrangling her family for a group adventure, she's the commander-in-chief of holiday happiness. And let's not forget her trusty sidekick, Eddie the Cavapoo, who's become an internet sensation on Annex's social media. Move over, Kardashians – Eddie's stealing the spotlight!  And speaking of spotlights, Rhianna is the reigning champion of wining, dining, and having a smashing time with her friends. They probably have to reserve a separate table just for her laughter. If you ever hear a chorus of giggles echoing from a restaurant, you can bet Rhianna's at the heart of it.  So, if you're looking for a First Class expert in Business & Management, a vacation virtuoso, a Cavapoo connoisseur, and a laughter luminary all rolled into one – Rhianna's your gal! Just follow the trail of sparkling ideas and contagious giggles, and you'll find her reigning over Annex's quirky kingdom.

Behold, it's the one and only Alex – the Annex Media Marvel and the Brainy Bard of Marketing! When it comes to being methodical, Alex takes it to a level that would make even the most organised robot jealous. He dissects processes like a mad scientist, determined to uncover the secrets of every nook and cranny. We suspect he's even analysed the office coffee machine's water flow.But wait, there's more!  Alex isn't just a process-poking genius; he's also the SEO Sorcerer and Website Wizard of the Annex family. Seriously, if SEO were a game, Alex would be the Grand Master – the one who holds the secret key to unlock the treasure chest of Google rankings.  Now, prepare for a plot twist – in his spare time, Alex turns into a Macro Magician. He calculates his macros like a mathematician with a protein obsession. You won't catch him near the office biscuit tin; he's too busy calculating the biscuit's carb-to-calorie ratio in his head. But that's not all, folks! When he's not pondering macros, Alex transforms into an underwater explorer, the Jacques Cousteau of the modern age. Armed with a snorkel and a sense of adventure, he dives into the depths, searching for the lost city of Atlantis or at least some really cool seashells.And when he's not decoding nutrition labels or diving into the deep blue, you can find Alex strategising on the virtual battlefield. He's like a military tactician, leading his pixelated troops to victory.  So, if you're in need of a Marketing Maestro, a Macro Mathlete, an SEO Sage, and an underwater adventurer all wrapped up in one quirky package – Alex is your guiding star.  Just follow the scent of meticulously calculated macros and the distant hum of victorious battlefield cheers, and you'll find him concocting marketing magic in the heart of Annex's whimsical universe!

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Alex Orton BA (Hons)

Media Marketing Specialist

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Naiomi Salvage

Marketing Executive

Allow us to introduce you to the marvelous Naiomi – our Annex Marketing Maverick and Sorceress of Skills! Naiomi's journey with us started in the realm of personal assistance in December 2021, where she basically turned into a magical multitasking unicorn. But wait, that's not the end of her tale! With skills as unstoppable as a sugar-high toddler, she's decided to venture into the wild world of Marketing. It's like Naiomi caught the marketing bug faster than a squirrel nabbing a nut. She's taken to it like a rubber duck to a bubble bath – effortlessly and with a lot of joyous splashing! She's so reliable, we're convinced she's got a secret stash of extra hours in her pocket, and she's got more initiative than a scout troop on a treasure hunt. In the mystical realm of Naiomi's spare time, you can find her juggling espresso martinis like a cocktail wizard with a trick up her sleeve. And that's not all – she's also a sunshine-soaked journaling guru in the enchanting land of Brighton. If you happen to spot a ray of sunlight giggling, it's probably Naiomi's journal soaking in the vitamin D. Oh, and did we mention her jet-setting escapades? When Naiomi's not busy sprinkling marketing magic, she's catching flights like they're Pokémon. Weekend in the USA? Sure thing, just hop on a plane! We suspect she might secretly have a teleportation device stashed somewhere. Now, here's the cherry on top of this magical sundae: Naiomi's got a mystical alter ego – the one and only Mystic Meg! Why, you ask? Because she's got tarot card reading skills that could make a crystal ball blush. She's our very own modern-day enchantress, predicting futures one card at a time. So, if you're in need of a Marketing Maestro, a sunshine-drenched scribe, a jet-setting juggler, and a tarot-twirling seer all wrapped up in one whimsical package – Naiomi's your enchanting guide. Just follow the trail of espresso martinis and swirling tarot cards, and you'll find her conjuring marketing spells at the heart of Annex's mystical universe!

© 2019 by Annex Media

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Gabriel Schiffler

Marketing Executive

Introducing our fresh addition to the Annex Media team: Gabriel, the globetrotting media maven! Hailing from the vibrant landscapes of Brazil, this Brazilian-Italian fusion has jet-setted his way into the UK to embrace his new role. Gabriel's life story reads like a multi-country odyssey, with stamps on his passport from six exotic locales. When he's not conquering mountains or hoisting weights with superhero-like flair, you can spot him rocking out at music concerts with his trusty guitar. Indie rock is his soul's serenade, and his jam sessions are legendary. But wait, there's more to this worldly wanderer! Believe it or not, Gabriel's roots trace back to the good ol' USA. So, in between strumming strings and scaling peaks, he's got a taste for root beer, the uniquely American classic. Get ready to embark on an adventure with Gabriel – Annex Media's very own rock-climbing, weightlifting, globe-trotting, guitar-strumming, root beer-chugging sensation

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Sienna Healy-Andrews

Marketing Executive

Introducing the one and only Sienna, our fresh, funky media maven! Sienna recently bid adieu to the hallowed halls of academia, waving goodbye to her BTEC double IT and A Level Geography studies. When Sienna isn't busy conquering the media world, she's grooving to the sweet tunes at concerts or satisfying her cravings with delectable Sushi & Ramen. Catch her jet-setting to sunny destinations during her downtime or tackling crosswords and sudokus like a true puzzle ninja. With an innate knack for keeping things shipshape, a heart full of compassion, and a work ethic that's second to none we are lucky to have Sienna within our team!

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Mason Cameron

Marketing Executive

Introducing the one and only Mason, our shiny new Media Maestro! Freshly minted with A Levels in Business, a dash of Sports, and a generous sprinkle of uniform protective services via BTEC – this guy's got it all! When Mason's in the mix, you can bet your bottom dollar there's a meticulously plotted plan in the works – and that includes securing the prime parking spot for his trusty ride. But that's not all – he's a gym guru, a football fanatic, and a bona fide gaming genius. And let's not forget his pièce de résistance – snowboarding on the slopes is where he truly shines! When the sun goes down, you'll find him painting the town red with his pals, all while sipping on his prized Prava potion. As for grub, American cuisine has his heart in a gastronomic grip. Mason, our media marvel, has officially entered the scene!

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